Waste Warriors on a mission

No Waste Republic

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We were excited to be approached by Charles-Louis Stinglhamber, the mastermind behind the remarkable beer formerly known as “La Miche” – a brew crafted from the remnants of bread, embodying the spirit of sustainability. They collaborate with existing breweries rather than building our own, and use surplus bread from local bakeries

No Waste Republic collaborates with bakers and brewers to create a range of high-quality beers that are brewed using unsold organic bread, thus giving it a second life and preventing it from going to waste. By upcycling bread into beer, the brand aims to reduce the carbon footprint and water consumption associated with traditional brewing methods.

With a desire to revolutionize the beer industry and build a brand that resonates with people’s passion for the planet, Charles-Louis turned to us for a complete rebranding. We embarked on this exciting journey, armed with our creativity and zest for making a lasting impact.

We knew we had an amazing opportunity to create something truly special.

PPP : People-planet-profit

The challenge was twofold. First, we needed to tackle a copyright issue surrounding the name “La Miche” (cue dramatic music). Undeterred by this unforeseen hurdle, we fearlessly dove into their rebranding, reinventing the beer’s identity and unveiling its new moniker: No Waste Republic. A name that perfectly encapsulated the vision of a sustainable haven where waste becomes a thing of the past. Progress IS possible.

Embracing the client’s demands and aspirations, we set out to create a comprehensive brand book and a robust communication strategy. Our goal was clear: catapult No Waste Republic into the spotlight and embody the principles of “People-Planet-Profit” in a way that left an indelible mark on the minds of consumers.

Waste Warriors on a mission

To achieve this, we delved into a series of dedicated workshops, meticulously dissecting the current and future positioning of the brand. We analyzed the perceptions of both internal and external stakeholders, forging an undeniable sense of belonging to the group of “Waste Warriors.” These passionate advocates would rally around the brand, amplifying its message and inspiring others to join the cause. No Waste Republic became more than a beer; it became a beacon of hope, tapping into the post-Covid expectations and addressing concerns about the world we live in.

To gain a competitive edge, we conducted a thorough analysis of the market landscape, identifying similar offerings with different positioning strategies. Armed with this knowledge, we set out to create an identity for No Waste Republic that was not only distinct but also unifying. We wanted the brand to be recognizable and incomparable to any other, embodying its core values of sustainability, collaboration, generosity, and respect. With a Stoëmp twist of creativity, we sought to create a sense of curiosity and engagement. Our thought- visual and verbal identity had the power to make people pause and wonder, “Is this a beer? And HOW is it made?” No mere greenwashing here – we were determined to showcase the brand’s commitment to sustainability with undeniable proof in every sip. We went beyond the usual and created a product universe that captured the essence of making waste deliciously good (triumphant music).

But our work didn’t stop there. We extended our support to scale, providing No Waste Republic with compelling labels for their beer and innovative packaging for their Growler. We crafted sales support materials to empower their growth objectives and developed a captivating webshop that would entice customers to explore the No Waste Republic universe.

Shaking Up the Norms

At Stoëmp, we understand the importance of building work on solid foundations, which is why we offer workshops covering various aspects of our clients’ universe. It’s a tried and true method. Hand in hand with No Waste Republic’s team, we conducted a verbal identity workshop. We then came up with three main attributes to characterize the brand: optimistic, surprising and welcoming.

Optimistic: No Waste Republic approaches its mission of zero waste with a confident and fun-loving attitude. The brand is deeply concerned about the environment but remains hopeful that positive change is possible. This optimism shines through in their messaging, which inspires others to join their cause and make a difference. No Waste Republic believes that no challenge is insurmountable and maintains a positive outlook in their communication.

Surprising: No Waste Republic isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo and think outside the box. They embrace the unexpected and innovative approaches to sustainability. Their messaging carries an ambitious tone that encourages people to explore new possibilities and make surprising connections. By defying conventional norms, No Waste Republic aims to create memorable experiences and change the way people perceive waste and sustainability.

Welcoming: No Waste Republic is an inclusive brand that welcomes everyone, regardless of their background or location. They don’t cater to a specific group, but rather create a sense of belonging and openness to all. No Waste Republic is easy to love, fostering collaboration and inviting others to join their community of waste warriors. They believe that sustainability is a collective effort and encourage active participation from individuals and businesses alike.

With this verbal identity, No Waste Republic effectively communicates its values, engages its audience, and positions itself as a brand that is not only dedicated to sustainability but also brings a sense of inclusiveness to the table. The messaging captures attention, creates an emotional connection, and inspires action, ultimately driving the brand’s success in making a positive impact on the planet.

And so, No Waste Republic blossomed into a thriving business, capturing the attention of beer enthusiasts and sustainability champions alike.
The process of recovering leftover bread production has been adapted for purposes other than beer manufacturing. Stinglhamber developed a technology called “BrewBox” for the recovery process. This machine converts surplus bread into high-quality flour, which can then be utilized in the production of a wide range of food products.

Our partnership with Charles-Louis Stinglhamber and his dedicated team propelled the brand’s growth, solidifying its presence in the industry. It exemplifies the power of collaboration and creativity in driving positive change. Together, we aimed to transform a noble vision into a compelling brand that inspires individuals and organizations to rethink their approach to food waste. It’s a story of how design and branding can be a helpful catalyst for social and environmental transformation.